Lucky VII, Bangkok, temporarily closed

>> Feb 15, 2009

Just got a call from one of the security guys working in Lucky VII and it appears the police were there checking the fire escapes. Not approved! Lucky VII is closed at the moment and will open again when all the pockets have been lined and the minor deficiencies have been corrected. From what I understood there weren't any major problems. He said maybe a week, maybe longer.


About This Blog

Due to some personal problems my monetary situation is a bit tight. I started this blog as a way to ventilate my thoughts and with the hope to make some extra income, that has yet to be seen though. ;-P

My personal Bangkok hotspot toplist

1. Narcissus
2. Bed Supperclub
3. Lucky VII
4. Slim in RCA
5. S23, no people but a great band.

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