Supporting your ex bar girl girlfriend?
>> Feb 21, 2009
I copied this from a post on the "The FARANG speks 2 much" blog. One of my favorite Blogs!
"If the girl wants some spending money, then guess what, she should get a F***ing job and work like the rest of us. It is this attitude of giving girls money for nothing that is spreading like a disease. While I do believe that we should take care of them in many instances (Lodging, Food, basic necessities etc.), that is it. The chances are that the money you have was not just handed to you, and you probably worked very hard for it. The idea that a woman should get paid for sitting on your couch watching Thai soap operas between multiple cat naps is insulting, and should not be accepted by anyone. Now of course, if there are kids involved, that can be a full-time job so that of course would be an exception, but otherwise, tell them to get off their keekiat ass and get to work, at a normal basic job. Even if its just 7K a month at 7-11, its better than nothing."
The thing is that usually when guys hook up with a “working” girl she already has a job. And one that pays very well. My girlfriend was making 100-200 000 Bath a month before she met me plus the 50 000 she was getting every month from some poor schmuck in Europe. And yes, I know this for a fact because I know what her friends rake home every month working in the luxury hotels. Not all girls make this kind of money though. Off course it’s a job that most of the girls don’t enjoy very much but selling sex is not the same for them as it is for us. Here it is not coupled with the same stigma as in the west which means that for many of these girls it’s ok to do it. They don’t consider themselves in need of rescue even though most of them would rather settle down with someone who can support them. A dream they share with most Thai girls, educated “good” girls and uneducated “bad” girls. Just look at all the soap operas they feed themselves with in this country. Most Thai girls want to be a “house” wife. It’s also not uncommon in this country that the man works and then hands over his salary check to his wife at the end of the month to let her take care of the financials, after all she does most of the shopping.
And wosch! Here comes the Farang in shining armor to rescue the girl from her awful job and come live with him. On one condition though… Give up your high income and start working for 7 000 bath a month plus the change I will throw you every month. See how you can keep sending generous amounts of money back to mommy with that.
How many Farang guys would quit their job and take one that pays maybe one tenth of what they were previously making for a girl? Some might do it but I’ll bet you that these ones already have a big chunk of cash in the bank and are no longer motivated by money. These girls don’t and are therefore highly motivated by money! If you’ve never been poor it’s hard to understand. They are also motivated by the fact that they consider it their duty to take care of their equally poor family financially, if they don’t it’s a huge loss of face and that was the reason they left for Bangkok in the first place.
They are expected to give this up for a Farang that may or may not be here in the next few months. What would you do if you were in her shoes?
If you want your girl to stop working it’s only fair to compensate here for her loss of income. Wouldn’t you expect to be compensated? If you are not willing to do that don’t complain when she goes with customers. And no, giving your love is not compensation enough, it doesn’t bring food to mommys table. I’m not saying that you should compensate her up to the amount that she was making before she met you but this is something you will have to work out with the girl. If she loves you she will accept a huge loss in income as long as she feels she can still take care of the family, if she doesn’t, tough luck, your love is not shared move on.
All relationships are give and take. How many Farang Farang relationships have ended because one party was not ready to give up the career to relocate, didn’t want to live far from the family etc. If what you get is not at par with what you give or have to give up it will not work it’s as simple as that.
Good luck to all you guys who give it a shot!