Party night in Bangkok, Narcissus back to normal

>> Feb 22, 2009

Wow! Last night was more fun that I've had in a long time. We started out in RCAs 808 club for a birthday party. The atmosphere was great but I don't like the break beat music they play there but it wasn't my party. Just before closing we went to Slim to hook up with some other friends who were at another birthday party before heading to Narcissus. No disappointment there last night, a lot of people, great dj and super atmosphere. The mood was also helped by the fact that a lot of friends that I had not seen in a long time showed up. I give the night an 8 on a 10 point scale. If my girlfriend hadn't gotten too drunk and been crying in bed i would give it a solid 9.


About This Blog

Due to some personal problems my monetary situation is a bit tight. I started this blog as a way to ventilate my thoughts and with the hope to make some extra income, that has yet to be seen though. ;-P

My personal Bangkok hotspot toplist

1. Narcissus
2. Bed Supperclub
3. Lucky VII
4. Slim in RCA
5. S23, no people but a great band.

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