Boring Bangkok...

>> Mar 2, 2009

Govt drops PAD civil charges

Nobody actually thought they would have to pay any consequences for their actions did you?

Europe open to Thai trade talks

Wow! Are they serious? I hope that they include reciprocal visa and immigration rules in these talks. As well as reciprocal ownership laws. If foreigners can't by land in Thailand Thais should not be able to buy land in foreign countries. Fair, no?

We have been resting up since my birthday so I have no more dirt for you right now but I'll be back out this weekend! To get something juice to write on Dirty Sexy Bangkok.



About This Blog

Due to some personal problems my monetary situation is a bit tight. I started this blog as a way to ventilate my thoughts and with the hope to make some extra income, that has yet to be seen though. ;-P

My personal Bangkok hotspot toplist

1. Narcissus
2. Bed Supperclub
3. Lucky VII
4. Slim in RCA
5. S23, no people but a great band.

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