About my Thai girl

>> Mar 2, 2009

It seems my sexy Bangkok girls talk about going back to work was a test of the borders. When I was writing that post she was in the bedroom crying. After some time I went in their to talk to her and I told her that I love her and that I understand if this is something she has to do. I said to her that I would not be angry or disappointed in her but very sad and that if that was her choice I could no longer be her boyfriend. She kept crying and whelping that she did not know what to do. After a while she stopped and said that she would go stay with my friends if I had to leave. Situation normal. Just hope it doesn't come back to bit me in the ass any time soon. I'm sure it will eventually though.


About This Blog

Due to some personal problems my monetary situation is a bit tight. I started this blog as a way to ventilate my thoughts and with the hope to make some extra income, that has yet to be seen though. ;-P

My personal Bangkok hotspot toplist

1. Narcissus
2. Bed Supperclub
3. Lucky VII
4. Slim in RCA
5. S23, no people but a great band.

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