Swinging in Bangkok doesn't swing

>> Feb 5, 2009

Just saw on the news that the police busted a swingers party before the fun even got started. I guess thats better than getting caught with your pants down. At first I didn't understand why the police took any interest but then I heard that the guy who was arranging this gathering apparently was doing this professionally and was charging 3000 bath per head. Since there were 30 people there that adds up to quite a lucrative business considering he was holding one party every weekend. Even after he pays for hotel suite, food, drinks and a few condoms there should be around 30-40 000 bath left right? Anyways, arranging these sort of parties for monetary gain is illegal in Thailand, better just to meet up and party without any exchange of money.

Can't help but think that the police were probably most sore for not being invited, party poopers!



About This Blog

Due to some personal problems my monetary situation is a bit tight. I started this blog as a way to ventilate my thoughts and with the hope to make some extra income, that has yet to be seen though. ;-P

My personal Bangkok hotspot toplist

1. Narcissus
2. Bed Supperclub
3. Lucky VII
4. Slim in RCA
5. S23, no people but a great band.

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